By thought man either blesses or curses himself.
By it he brings into his life either success or failure, health or disease, happiness or
unhappiness, poverty or prosperity. It is all in his mind and the character
of his thought. Whatever there is in your life or mine, of disharmony,
lack, sickness or unhappiness, is the result of our disharmonious
We live in an orderly Universe, but we do not react
harmoniously to our environment, we are not in correspondence with
the hidden law and order around us. It is not necessary for the universe
to be altered; what is needed is that we ourselves should be changed.
Within ourselves is the cause of the disorder in our own individual
world--for we each live in a little world of our own creation-- therefore,
the disorder and trouble that afflicts us, or the lack that restricts our life,
can never be overcome, save by a change of mind, habit of thought, and mental attitude.
Life is not a matter of chance or luck; it is not something out of our
control; it is largely the result or effect of our thoughts. Therefore, by
controlling our thoughts--and this, thank God, can be done--we can
govern and direct our life to an almost unbelievable extent. As
conscious thinking beings, created, the Bible says, in God's likeness
and image, or in other words, a microcosm of the macrocosm, we
possess one of the greatest powers in the universe. and this power is
thought. It depends upon how we use this wonderful power what our life
shall be. The engine driver sends his engine either backward or
forward, but it is the same power that is used in each case. In the same
way, thinking man can either build up or destroy himself by the use or
misuse of the potent power of thought. It depends upon how he uses
this power, either for good or ill, as to whether his life shall be
successful, healthy, happy or harmonious, or lacking in definite
achievement, true success and happiness. "Whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap."
WHY is right thought so important? It is important because it influences
our actions. It is important because it builds up character and a
steadfast mind. It is important because upon it our well-being and the
success of our whole life depend. It is important because it is by right
thought that we can overcome harmful suggestion.
Worry is a destroyer. By worrying over our troubles we not only stimulate fear, one
of the most destructive of the emotions, but we also wear grooves in the
brain, round which our thoughts revolve in endless repetition. The brain
becomes so constructed or arranged, through the practice of worrying,
that worry becomes a habit. That is to say, as soon as a thought of
some impending trouble comes to us, or something goes wrong in our
life or work, or we think that something has gone wrong or will go
wrong, or we fear that it may go wrong, then immediately the cells used
by worry are stimulated into action--being already fully charged with
nervous energy, waiting to explode--and round and round the thoughts
go, along the groove prepared for them. Then good-bye to our peace of
mind; good-bye to sleep; and, in time, good-bye to health.
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