Saturday, May 28, 2011

perjuangan hidup!

tenang! ini bukan blog galau apalagi blog labil atau mendayu dayu hanya sedikit intermezzo di malam yang dingin ..

ketika kelas mata kuliah umum akan berakhir, dosen seperti biasa mengabsen.
sampai akhirnya dia menyebut satu kalimat "perjuangan hidup"
kami melongo dan bengong. hah? itu nama orang?
si orang yang ternyata punya nama kalimat pun ngacung! saya pak!

si dosen takjub dan bertanya..
jadi, apa nama panggilan kamu?
jawab si anak "pe(r)ju pak.."
si bapa senyum2 kecil bak menghina.. "ibumu pasti berjuang saat melahirkanmu.."
*murid : ngangguk2*

Saturday, May 14, 2011


satu masa dimana kamu ingin kembali ke tempat, waktu dan ruang dimana kamu bahagia di sana.

Monday, May 2, 2011

only you i love most..

and now I will set my heart to focus on my purpose.
I will set them up and make them as my own.. but after all, I realize that you always make me smile eventhough we have never meet again. I just see your face on facebook, I just listen to you on twitter. But thats make me smile too :) You are the one who makes me pray when I see you! You loving God.. You loving people. You love this generation. and this is the one thing I pray, not my only pray..

"God, let make all things beutiful in Your time."
God, give me Your power to be a woman who has an extraordinary spirit.character and I will do all thing to please You!yes! i will.